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The Mitigating Circumstances Of No Gigs

Every time I see a post to the SMO visitor wall (or comments left on a post) expressing wishes for gigs, my heart breaks.

I can’t like these posts or comments. I understand people are missing the band…and Jim…I do too. But…Jim’s post last week. Perhaps it just hasn’t sunken in with some people? I dunno.

I am definitely not going to be joining the throng of people crying out for gigs.

It makes me wonder about things myself. I mean, just a few days before that post about his dad, he was talking about the notion of a new tour and getting stuff organised…wanting to be back on the road again…having had a long sleep that night and dreams of “the road”.

It all seems so personal discussing it. And it seemed such a conflicting thing. Him talking at one point about getting back on the road, the next his dad’s cancer diagnosis.

And on the note of gigs and uncertain futures, and dreams – I have decided in spite of certain things, that I am going up to Glasgow to see Trevor Horn and the Sarm Orchestra for the “Reimagines The Eighties” gig. I booked a train journey up on the day of the gig. The fare was too good to pass up. I’ll be leaving home around 5am on the day but it beats a red-eye coach. I’ll have that to enjoy the next day for my return home.

Finally. Any of you guys reading this? Don’t be offended if I don’t like posts or comments of you guys wishing for gigs. For me, personally, it would feel like rubbing salt in a wound and making demands.

That is also why there will be no further “Slow News Sunday Summary” posts.

For now, things are just going to have to be as dear Doris Day sung about them…

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