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Mr Podcast…

The Mister has been talking about Lead Singer Syndrome again today. And podcasts. He does like listening to podcasts. Doesn’t sound like he’d be much company for a hike with, if he’s preoccupied with listening to podcasts, audiobooks and whatnot. Does he actually TALK to anyone? Lol.

I will never stop hoping and praying that one day I’ll get more than just a couple of minutes fleeting chitchat with him and actually get to have a full deep and meaningful – maybe even eventually interview him for the blog. Yep! I know! In my bloody dreams. Why on earth would the man ever want to spend more than a few minutes in my company, or speak to me?

Anyway, I hope to embed a link to a podcast in which he was interviewed for last year as SM was touring North America. I haven’t listened to it yet, but will do shortly.

(Click on the image below to listen to the podcast in question.)
Something for the old lugholes…

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