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Like The Proverbial “Bad Penny”…

There’s no escaping it.

A curious thing. In an effort to tidy up the blog…not to make it TOTALLY devoid of fun, but just for it to be a bit more…tasteful, I recently deleted a post I did in the very early days of the blog titled “The Myth Of Jim Kerr’s Giant Manhood”.

In said post I had quoted parts of an interview Mick MacNeil had with a newspaper many years before saying that Jim was probably not quite the “BIG Jim” the rumour mill would have us believe.

During a recent interview at the time of the post (early 2015), Jim had also gone on to quash the rumours. And I had quoted him pretty much verbatim it would seem. I couldn’t recall where I had read it, what interview it was…but the world is a curious place…and someone liking a comment I had left on a post on SMO waaay back in 2014 revealed just where my quote from Jim came from.

And there’s that humour again…him going on about being Welsh. Lol

So, here we are again, bringing up the Kerr cobra. Lol. You can try to get away from it but it’ll come back to bite you…

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