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Steve Hillage Interview – Guitarist Magazine – Dec, 2018

This guy I find hilarious…if purely by accident on his part. But I adore him too – for his involvement in the Simple Minds story. It really was a stroke of genius to hire him to produce Sons And Fascination/Sister Feelings Call. I mean, John Leckie had been great…and Real To Real Cacophony and Empires And Dance (esp.) sound fabulous – but things needed to move on.

From mentions of Dunstable (the town nearest Luton…almost twinned at times, certainly when it comes to the local hospital, known to all locally as the L&D), to his expensive drinking tastes on his rider…to Boots selling the best lumbar belts money can by, to one (of MANY, MANY…I mean, there are a few stories the SM boys can and HAVE told about working with Steve) Spinal Tap moment of recall…I loved reading this interview.

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