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Jim Interviewed By Preston & Steve On WMMR ROCKS In Philadelphia

Such a fab and fun interview. Jim was having second thoughts about the “you turn me on” line in Alive And Kicking?! After all the subsequent sniggering about the “you’ll follow through” line and your (now obvious) reluctance to sing it…perhaps that should have been the concern?! Lol

And…erm…I can safely say that MANY a woman has been “turned on” by the once “geeky Weegie” (she says…incredibly sheepishly…) – hey, some of us even like our boys geeky – geeky = bookish, brainy (ultimate “turn on” for me!).

ANYWAY…before I get myself into SERIOUS trouble…here’s a direct extract of the interview from the podcast (click below to play). Enjoy it, peeps. I know I did. I needed that sweet relief today. I don’t want to be maudlin…but these past few days? Fuck, they have been tough…
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