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Bowie And Eno In Classic Rock

Two short pieces on David Bowie and Brian Eno in this month’s Classic Rock magazine. The Bowie piece talks to Ava Cherry (I never knew she was so young when they met!) and talks about their time together and Bowie’s musical influences of the period, producing the sound for Young Americans and legacy piece Golden Years (shifted on to Station To Station – which always seems an odd fit on there and very much feels like it always belonged on Young Americans).

The Eno piece is an interview, predominantly about his art installations, but of course touches upon all aspects of his career. And, lovely words from Steven Wilson on Eno as well.

Quite a few other things inside it as well, including a mediocre review of a Mick Ronson compilation called “Beside Bowie: The Mick Ronson Story – Soundtrack” – compendium to the documentary, one assumes by the title? And, in another case of “you learn something new every day”…how the hell did I NEVER take in that Ronno plays on John (Cougar) Mellencamp’s Jack And Diane?

Well worth the outlay this month, peeps.

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