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Sightseeing/Bonus Images – Gig Two – Liverpool

Images from the Liverpool gig I’ve yet to share on the blog…

This is the shirt I decided to wear for the gig. I have fallen in love with this image of Jim so much. Jesus, he’s beautiful in this picture. I used to think Virginia Turbett took some mighty fine pictues of him (and she is still my favourite for capturing him), but Janette Beckman has handed me the photo of the year this year. He really is the most heavenly of creatures…(I’ll stop embarrassing myself now!)

After a train journey into London, I got a Virgin train first class to Liverpool. A first class ticket that only cost me £28 during a Virgin seat sale in January. This meal was complimentary, being a 1st class passenger. No complaints from me!

One of the first things I see when I get to Liverpool? This guy….letting it all hang out!

Doing a quick reccie of the venue when I get there, my heart skipped a beat seeing the coach there already. Little did I know at the time that there are TWO coaches, and the band were yet to arrive.

The front of the venue.

There’s a lot of kit to be moved about during this tour. Half the space was probanly taken up by the chandelier! Sadly the chandelier never made an appearance at Liverpool (I was worried The Fagans may have nicked it off the back of the truck! Lol).

This was parked a little further up the road from the equipment truck. Pretty sure it’s some old kind of Citroen. Not even sure it is roadworthy…but was interesting to see so I took a snap.

I managed just two photos of Catherine on the night before a member of staff came over to me and told me the taking of photos was forbidden. Bugger! :-/ (I still caught some footage at the end. Yas!)

I met quite a few fans that night, including the lovely David Fagan and his son Joseph, who got up on stage at the end of the gig and had a few words to Jim :-))

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