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From Ibiza To The Norfolk Broads

After seeing one of…if not…THE most beautiful gigs I’ve ever experienced…the beautiful musical theme continued tonight by seeing “From Ibiza To The Norfolk Broads” at the Old Town Hall, Hemel Hempstead.

It’s a single actor play – written and directed by Adrian Berry, with Alex Walton playing the play’s main character, Martin (a young Bowie fan obsessive with “deemed” social, physiological and mental health issues), as will as several other characters. 

What an amazing actor. A stunning performance! The whole work was beautiful, tender, heart-breaking but mesmerising. 

Reeling from the loss of Chrissy last night, I had almost entirely forgot about it. My memory only jogged after having had a nap this afternoon and my thinking of the purchase of Holy Holy tickets for Aylesbury in April. 

I really wasn’t feeling up to it, but I thought I would mention it to the OH. She seemed keen to go…so off we went. Absolutely no regrets whatsoever! In fact I’d love to see it again as it tours around the UK until February.

You can find out more about it at: 
I highly recommend it.

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