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Jim Kerr – Alive And Kicking: KX93.5 Laguna Beach, CA – Show 2

Well, it started a little late. We got Alive And Kicking itself to begin with. Not sure that Jim actually chose that as the first song to play this week. It just didn’t come across that way to me.

I believe the opening track from Jim was the next song played…She Sells Sanctuary by The Cult. Only today was I scanning a review of their 1986 Milton Keynes Bowl gig and noticed that The Cult were on the bill. Strange bedfellows – Minds and The Cult. Can’t say I really know that much about them, but am more than familiar with the song Sir chose.
Next was Elbow’s Grounds For Divorce. Guy Garvey has a great voice and what a fab opening line, “I’ve been working on a cocktail called ‘Grounds For Divorce'”. Such a fab beat to that song. And that guitar riff! But, it also reminds me of a few years back, when a friend of ours was going through a marriage breakup, and he was staying with us in our pokey little one bedroom house. This place can hardly accomodate two people, let alone three! It was his song of choice at the time. And he played it endlessly. 

Then Sly And The Family Stone’s Family Affair. I am sensing a theme here, Jim? Lol. He obviously loves this song. I’ve heard it quite often…but never really LISTENED to it. Even tonight…it has a great groove for sure, but I just don’t take in the lyrics, apart from the obvious. Will really listen to it lyrically next time.

Psychedelic Furs’ Heaven was on next. I have always been a massive fan of Love My Way. But it is a song that tugs at my heart strings. It just gets to me! Heaven sounded very sweet and made me realise that I need to listen to a bit more Furs. Because other than Pretty In Pink (another John Hughes film) and Love My Way…I am very ignorant of their work.

The Police – Darkness. Inwardly, I was saying “That’s my boy! Top tune!” I ADORE The Police and I played their albums SSSOOO much in the 80s. And still do from time to time. Ghost In The Machine has been given the half-speed mastering treatment like NGD has…and I am ssooo tempted to get it! Probably will in the end. I can’t escape the thought of hearing Stewart Copeland’s drumming with that treatment! The drums on NGD sound awesome enough! I had to go off to the visitor wall and sing the praises of Stewart Copeland. He is the best drummer…ever! And I have several drumming heroes…but he is TOPS! I wanted to learn to play because of him…but kits were too expensive, and lessons, and I was already too old, I thought…when I was giving it serious thought. Too scared to try for fear of failure. Story of my life…

Jim expressed the desire that The Police had stayed together a bit longer…but I dare say either Sting, or Stewart, or BOTH of them…or Andy (wanting to kill both of them for some peace!) would have been up on murder charges had they tried to stick it out much longer!

Songs by Neneh Cherry, Tom Waits and Lloyd Cole were played.

And then he tells us the story of the Queen soundcheck. Goddamn you, Boy…you jammy jammy bugger! Lol. And he plays Killer Queen. Well, there will never be anyone quite like Freddie Mercury ever again. I mean…wow…THAT is a frontman! I love you, Jim…you know I do, but yeah…

He played Sinead O’Connor’s Fourth And Vine again. I say again because he played it on one of the Absolute shows. But it’s very worthy of a replay. It is a fab song! Thanks for playing it again, sir.

Finally, he played I’m Going Down by Bruce Springsteen. Probably not heard that in a good 25 years. I’m not the biggest Bruce fan by any means, but I don’t dislike him. I always like what I hear of his…for the most part…his version of Santa Claus Is Coming To Town is definitely an acquired taste!

It seemed a much shorter show this week due to the late start and early finish. We need a little more talk from him. Just a little. He should be hired to do the shipping forecast…do book narration…ANYTHING! As much as I love hearing him sing…I love hearing him talk. Especially so enthusiastically about the stuff he likes. 

Oh, just keep doing it, Jim! 

Listen Now: Show 2

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