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Three – And Counting! 

I’ve been so floored by the last few days, I just realised that there is now yet ANOTHER song off New Gold Dream given extra special meaning to me!

Firstly, it was NGD itself for Jim’s awesome reply to my bit about my fave itty bitty bit of the song (which I now believe to be a fab grinding piece of guitar work from Charlie). If you search the blog, you’ll find it. It was also playing when I spotted my FIRST EVER wild koala when I was in Adelaide. Born and raised in Oz for 28 years…never saw one in the wild.

Secondly, Hunter And The Hunted. The first digital collage I felt really happy about sharing. I was ssssooo happy with it!! And Jim loved it and shared it on the main FB wall…and then some! 

And now…Colours Fly And Catherine Wheel. I mean…THOSE WORDS in his comment! Just awesome!

I said in correspondence I had with him that the first two songs had been given extra special meaning. Then flippantly said, “Only seven more for the whole album”, being tongue-in-cheek. But, blow me down with a feather! There’s another one ticked off the list :-))

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