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Oh, My. He Did It – Again! 

I just have no words, really. I do them because I love it…doing something creative. I never thought I had it in me…but it’s all down to this app on my iPad Mini. And when there is time…a spare hour in the afternoon, when mum and I are having “down time”, that’s when I try to create one.

I can’t draw. I can’t paint. Well, I can paint by numbers! Lol. (I actually DO LOVE doing painting by numbers.) But I can recycle…augment…manipulate…and sometimes turn the lyrics into a visual interpretation. 

I try to use a picture of Jim or the band time specific to the song (this picture of him was a screenshot from the 1984 Dortmund gig). I also try as much as possible not to use copyright images (hence the majority of pictures used are screengrabs from videos or live performances).

They take time. Learning my way around the app has meant that, from their beginnings in the early days, looking rather basic…until now, I can do quite involving things. I get immersed in it. I find it, in ways, theraputic, relaxing.

And I love highlighting the words. I love what Jim writes and as I’ve said before in previous posts…I love music…I love the rhythms, the beats…I love percussion and drums in particular, and as much as I ADORE instrumentals (and Simple Minds have made very wonderful instrumentals), I’m a kind of “brain box” too. Well, not a brain box – I sound like I’m “big noting” myself (great old Aussie phrase I haven’t used for a LONG TIME, there!), but I like that thought process of lyrics. I love that challenge of learning them, perceiving their depth (if they have any) and their meaning (likewise).

And so these pieces I do combine those things for me. Wanting to be visually creative and challanging myself mentally. 

God, that probably sounds so ridiculously pretentious! I just like making myself think. 

I have to say that in the past 12 hours or so, lines from “She Knows” have been in my head.

“I want to know what star you are.

Why you’re so good to me.”

Yes, why, sir? I am not complaining! I am humbled and honoured. And it’s all so lovely and unexpected. Thank you xx

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