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Jim On Absolute Radio – Saturday Nights For Four Weeks!

Mentioned initially a couple of weeks back on the official Simple Minds Facebook page, Jim will be hosting four radio shows for the Absolute Radio network, starting next Saturday, February 13th, at 10pm GMT. 

I, for one, can’t wait. Jim exudes a real passion and enthusiasm for the line of work he found himself to be in. You can never accuse the boy of sitting on the fence when it comes to his opinions! And he (mostly) succeeds in airing them with diplomacy. 

I do enjoy listening to him on the radio (and not for, as he put it on a SM post, to be spared of his “ugly mug”! Such false modesty! You are much too handsome, and you know it, Mr. Kerr!). He seems to have quite a loquacious nature about him on radio, esp. these days. A man at ease with himself. I know he’ll pick great tunes and will have fascinating stories surrounding them.

Anyone reading this outside the UK who would like to listen in but is aware of Bauer Radio’s strict “outisde UK” broadcast laws…rest assured…you will hear these…even if it is only Jim’s dialogue and not the music he chooses…

It is going to be fab!

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