At last!! At BLOODY last, I’m here!! Phew!!!
Just a few short moments before, I’d have been seeing a view not dissimilar to this one as we made our descent into Tullamarine Airport. It might even still be a little dark, it’s only 6.30am in the morning now!
I’m sure to be feeling quite out of it now. Hoping I managed some sleep – but probably haven’t had much. Maybe 2/3 hours, at best. Never good at sleeping on planes. Only time I enjoyed extended sleep on a plane was on a London to Kuala Lumpur leg of my flight out in 2003 during the SARS “pandemic”. The flight was near empty. I had a whole ROW of seats to myself. It was wonderful!
I bet Jim and the bhoys have been keeping me company. Probably worked my way through the WHOLE of the X5 box set, at least! Listening to them all the way. Having Jim’s voice sooth me 🙂
No more planes – PLEASE?! – Oh, but I have ONE LEG to go. The short hop from Melbourne to Sydney. Bugger! Should at least still be relatively cool in Oz at this time of year, so should be feeling comfy. It’s early morning too, so I’m hoping I feel tired, but chipper.
Anyway…on to Sydney I go. One last, quick 90 minute plane journey and I’ll soon be at mums.