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David and Lou’s Bromance


Les Beehive – Lou Reed & David Bowie

I grew up listening to David Bowie’s 80s pop hits, and remained a fan during his macabre 90s phase, but it wasn’t until around 2001 that I discovered how transcendent he was in the 70s. Now it’s early David that I best relate, and when I first discovered his early genius, I gobbled up every bit of glam talent I could. Ziggy led me, most importantly, to T-Rex and Velvet Underground, and it was Lou’s melancholic ballads that best comforted me when I was blue. They still do. Tonight I have the line from Candy Says playing on a loop inside my head, “What do you think I’d see if I could walk away from me?”


This is a beautiful KISS HIM! pose. Lou is snuggled so close to David, and Bowie looks like the most proper ladyman. They’re so perfectly gorgeous together, looking at this makes my heart ache all the more.

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