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Tits Out Thursday!

Deep in study as usual at the moment (more on that at University and Unicorns – I’d appreciate it if you’re that way inclined, to read my latest post there titled ‘The Creative Spark’), but taking the day off as I am seeing Hamish Hawk at St Luke’s tonight. Really excited for this gig. Cannae wait! I am ssoooo into his music right now. Playing both Angel Numbers and Heavy Elevator in strong rotation at the moment. There’ll be a gig review tomorrow, I am sure!

In the meantime, there have been some great bare-chested Bowie shots that have passed my eyes recently so I thought I’d share a few here. I mean, it doesn’t ALWAYS have to be “Kerrsday” Thursday, right? So, today has been declared TOT – Tits Out Thursday. Lol. I’m a “tit” gal – what can I say?


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