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Forever Bowie Friday – Happy Left-Handers Day!

I did say that I was going to start a Bowie themed weekly post, didn’t I? And I had decided I was going to theme the day as “Forever Bowie Friday”? Well, what I have seen today spurred me on to start.

Because today just happens to be Left-Handers Day! The day when left-handed people are actually celebrated! No longer to feel as if we are “sinister” (look up the meaning of the word “sinister” and you’ll know what I am on about). But well, it is also Friday the 13th today, which means I can celebrate left-handers day ON Forever Bowie Friday! Yay!

Although, of course, David played guitar right-handed. I do too (not that I can actually play guitar! But I drum right-handed). I guess we’re kind of ambidextrous like that.

He talks about Ziggy Stardust in the lyrics of the song as “he played it left-hand but he made it too far”. So maybe David wished he had learned to play guitar left-handed? Who knows?

Anyway, Happy Left-Handers Day to all you fellow lefties out there!

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