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No More Fur Babies

One week ago today, we said goodbye to ASAP and Sultan and surrendered them back into the care of Cats Protection for rehoming. It was the most heartbreaking decision and I didn’t stop crying the rest of the day and into the next.

I haven’t spoken about it on Facebook because there is so much shame attached to putting them back into foster care until they’re rehomed.

It was NOT a rash or easy decision but for the greater good of them – for ASAP and Sultan, to have lives they truly deserve with people that can provide the full care and attention they need and deserve – the decision was made.

I miss them. I miss them so very much. This house is an empty house without these two beautiful furbabies in it. The ‘little monsters” I would call them. Terms of affection. They already had several nicknames each – ASAP was Ace, or Chicken – shortened from “Smooth Chicken”, or Kid or the Euclid Kid or Euclid-ades and Sultan was usually just Slatty or Slattykins or Slatty Bumba (she was a plump girl) or still the old Salty Sea Dog.

I would sing them songs. Little chants of their nicknames.

The house really is so empty and quiet without them. (This is one of the last photos I took of them.)

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