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The Water Babies – Part One – Cruelty

I do like to listen to various things at night. A radio comedy of varying types, usually the Friday Night comedy podcast (which for the past six weeks has been Dead Ringers – so will assume we must be back to a series of The Now Show) and repeats of Cabin Pressure…audio books, read out as “The Book at Bedtime” or similar, and various radio plays and novel adaptations.

I’ve had this one on my list for a few weeks and looked at how much time I had left to listen to it late last night. When I saw “2 days” on the time left, I thought I better get cracking!

The trouble is, I have a tendency to drift off to sleep when I start listening to these things as I tend to start listening to them at rather ungodly hours, like 2am in the morning.  As it went with The Water Babies…though it wasn’t quite that late last night, and I did manage to stay awake some way in.

But I was enthralled. Enchanted. Bewitched by it. Beautifully sad and poignant, it hooked me in immediately. I couldn’t miss out on listening to all three episodes properly, so I downloaded them and will share them here over the next few days.

You’ll find part one below…

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