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Disheartened “Drummer”

I got two hours practice on real kits today. I went to the rehearsal studios where I have my lessons with Cherisse, booked a room for an hour…the first hour was free. When I got there I decided to see if there was another room to book for an hour afterwards. I could have the drum room so I grabbed it.

I was in two different rooms. I didn’t much like the kit in the first room. I was having problems with it. It just didn’t feel comfortable and sounded not right. I persevered but…meh.

The room wasn’t completely soundproofed either, and I could hear quite a competent drummer playing in the room behind me. Not good! I mean…it just added to me feeling disheartened. NOT because I am under some illusion that I should sound like them! But, I want to sound them. BETTER than them…and that is waaaay off right now.

The other room, though much smaller, felt better. (It had a lovely aroma of garlic to it when I first arrived!) The kit was better, felt better, sounded better…though one of the toms was off the rack for some reason.

I doggedly stayed with it…but yeah. I felt I took a step backwards today. But I’m sure there will be days like that. I just felt a bit directionless today, even though I had certain things to practice with/on and stuff.

Anyway. I shall head back there on Saturday and see how I go.

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