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I’ve Said Before, I’ll Say It Again…

Having listened to the Kyle Meredith interview with Jim…I need to repost this. Goddamn you WordPress! Why do you only allow a single reblog of a post?! Because I already reblogged this lalte last year, I can’t reblogged it again to show up in that way…

So here is a link to my thoughts on Our Secrets Are The Same – just to say – I’m with Kyle!

In Praise Of “Our Secrets Are The Same”.

And, yes, Jim, I know you rerecorded Jeweller and Space and Swimming Towards The Sun…BUT THEY DIDN’T NEED IT! Well…okay…I do like the ending of the re-record of Space, I’ll give you that…BUT I STAND BY MY WORDS! Yeah, hate me, whatever. I’m just saying. It’s a positive, not a negative. I am giving you praise…and, you know, you could lay off the perfectionist thing a little! It obviously felt right the first time, the things on OSATS, that’s telling you something! (Says the woman who can rework and rework and rework designs until she’s blue in the face. I like hypocricy. Lol)

The main point is…OSATS is a fucking awesome album AND NEEDS TO BE ON VINYL, PLEASE?!!!

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