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Heaving On A Jet Plane…

Today is “fly out to some remote, exotic location to see some amazing bands tomorrow” day…but I couldn’t be filled with a higher sense of dread.

Also, it now comes on top of knowing my mum is in hospital.

She is fine…but under observation, and will hopefully be going home today. But a health scare at her age can easily turn bad very quickly. I’m relieved to know she’s okay…but one feels so powerless being 12,000 miles away.

If it was much closer to home, this festival…I would simply just not go. But I have invested hundreds of pounds in this trip. Money I can ill afford to squander. So I am best to try and make the most out of a shit situation. Make lemonade out of the lemons I feel I am being currently pelted with.

And I can at least do the blog thing. Write a review. Report about day one of the festival, and how it went…how the travel goes, etc.

He might not want to use a reverse gear, but I do! I wish I could go back at least a few days and stop myself from lashing out at him and being so dreadful. It was always my cross to bear…and so it shall be forever more…

Hopefully I’ll be posting again later today of my safe arrival in Aix. Let’s at least hope my journey is a smooth one, eh?

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