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Don’t Mob The Music Mogul!

It seems the wrong word to use in some respects…as the way I interpret the word “mogul”, esp. when it comes to music moguls, I see types like Colonal Tom Parker, Tony Defries, Eric Hall, Don Arden, et al – larger than life types that just blag their way through stuff with brash, bolshy machismo.

Bruce Findlay has always come across as something different. Hard working, meticulous, knowledgable. A thirst and hunger for music. A love of the art. It was never about him, but the music itself…the artists and bands he loves. A passion and enthusiasm contagious in its desire to achieve. Gregarious he certainly is…but he has swathes of humility and knows what humble pie tastes like.

So, when speaking of Bruce, I use the word “mogul” more for poetic effect.

I rarely use or visit Twitter these days…just quickly look in on it twice a day, and I always look to what Bruce has been talking about. Last night he was (among other things) talking about the Rip It Up exhibition that has just started in Edinburgh. I will be there next Thursday to see the exhibition, and to see Bruce and writer Ian Rankin give a talk next Thursday evening.

I tweeted Bruce to say how excited I am to be going to the exhibition, to see him talk, and to hope for the opportunity to say hello to him. Here is his reply…

Oh, it is going to be so wonderful! I’m not sure Bruce realises just how many Simple Minds fans may end up there next Thursday. Apart from myself, I know of at least four others going there. Too modest by half! But I do hope we have time to chat. Words may fail me again, as they tend to with Jim.

I will be taking along something special with me for him to sign. Nothing SM related, strictly speaking, but something I hope he’ll get a kick out of seeing. It will be wonderful I know 🙂

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