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The Bowie Album Dilemma And Why I Stuck With Low

I’m up to day 9 of the favourite albums thread theme on Facebook. And, it wasn’t until I had to make a choice on Day 7 did I suddenly think, OH SHIT – I’VE NOT EVEN THOUGHT ABOUT CHOOSING A BOWIE ONE! Am I going to be obvious and choose Low? Oh, but what about Diamond Dogs? “Heroes”? Scary Monsters? Outside?

I’ve grappled the past 48 hours or so. With every other artist, choosing just one album has been a cinch…but with David? Nope! I have been sssooo close to choosing either Diamond Dogs or “Heroes” over Low. Other contenders were Ziggy, Aladdin Sane, Scary Monsters, Outside and Heathen.

On Monday night, I decided to put my fave Bowie albums Spotify playlist on. Go through them. I fell quickly asleep through Diamond Dogs, aand came round during Outside. It wasn’t much help considering I slept through it all.

Just a short time ago (about an hour ago), I decided to start a little 30 second snippet thing to make my final choice. I started with Diamond Dogs…and thought “yep, this’ll be the one”. I continued on to Low…and then it got to A New Career In A New Town…and I crumbled. I stopped the 30 second snippet decision maker right there and then. The mere notion of never hearing that song again was enough to cement my choice of Low. The memories I have of my first listen. I mean, it really DID blow me away. It was a crappy warped copy. I couldn’t even listen to it all fully. But I have been in love with it from that day since…and in particular with A New Career In A New Town.
People alway seem to have their funeral songs picked out YEARS ahead. I had never given thought to such a thing…but here and now I can declare ANCIANT will be it.

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