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SPOILER ALERT – First Airplay Of Magic

OMG! Thank you to Mark Haigh on one of the SM FB groups for linking to French radio program Les Nocturnes airing a first play listen to Magic. I don’t know any other place it’s been played before, so this was a first for me, at least…and maybe for you too…IF you want to hear it?

It’s…bright, poppy, catchy…just from the feelings of first play. It’s…just that…fulfilling hopes and dreams thing that SM do best! It’s gorgeous! It’s…MAGIC!

You can here it from around the 38 minute 30 second mark…just CLICK THE LINK HERE to be taken to the playback of the Les Nocturne broadcast.

UPDATE: Ah, well…it appears for those of us quick enough to give it a listen, we heard it, before it was pulled. It’s no longer even mentioned in the playlist. Someone got their arse kicked! Oh, never mind. It’ll be available to us all properly soon enough…

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