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Happy Fan Anniversary To Me!

My second year of Simple Minds uber fandom could not have been any more awesome (short of meeting Jim! any of the band members)! 

Meeting lots of new friends online, and a few face to face. Feeling even more accepted into the Minds fandom by the fans themselves. And by Mr Head Honcho 😉

Going to my second Minds gig last September, before jetting off to Australia. Part of the reason for going was sad, but it was lovely to spend so much time with my mum (and now more than ever, I wish I was there, still). Those days together were priceless.

There was sadness as we lost the one other musical mainstay I had in my life before embracing Simple Minds…David Bowie. To have discussed Blackstar with Jim online the day before David died is something I will cherish. He really gave me his extensive review and it was lovely to have that interaction. It meant so much to talk about my absolute musical hero…with my new musical hero. It just meant everything.

But there was still so much “happy”.

While there, using my editing app, working on lyric art pieces. Them starting off as bits of fun, and my way of expressing how much I love each song. The art evolving and me starting to storyboard ideas and things I wanted to do, and words I wanted to represent in the pieces. It becoming quite an all-consuming passion. And it being wonderful therapy and coping mechanism on the tough days.

Jim, liking and SHARING lyric pieces on the main Simple Minds Official Facebook page…that just bowls me over to think of that, every single day. Me sending a copy to him of the first one he shared on the main wall – and him EXPRESSLY asking for another from me! Just…amazing! I’m not sure much could have bettered that…other than the opportunity to deliver it to him personally (but he is a very busy man, and I would NEVER expect such an awesome, wonderful thing).

That side of things made the stay in Oz so much more…hyper-real. Being out there for so long after such a long absence. It can feel isolating being out there…but I never felt alone, having all my wonderful friends – Jim included – supporting me and making me feel involved and present. 

Finally meeting my friend Janis, having been penpals and online friends for the best part of 20 years. That was wonderful. Her husband, Jim, and their children are such wonderful people. My two stays with them in October, 2015 and March, 2016 were so, so special. They will be wonderful, happy memories I’ll cherish (I do hope there will be future get togethers). Getting my Minds tattoo while in Adelaide as well. And I was in Adelaide when Jim asked for the second art piece of mine. Such happy, happy memories.

Starting the shop and trying to get that off the ground. Feeling a groundswell of support from people. It’s wonderful! 

This past 12 months of Minds fandom has whizzed by and has been amazing. A rollercoaster of emotions at times, no doubt about it, but so much joy and positivity too. 

I can’t wait to see what the next 12 months brings.

Happy Anniversary, Priptona! 🙂

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