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This Blog May Contain Birds…

Well, my Minds blog USED to be a Minds AND Harry Lloyd blog…when I fancied TWO men. Lol. (Only have eyes for one now…sorry, Jim…you’re it! Poor bugger! Lol) But now it seems to be morphing into a Minds and Birds blog. Maybe that’s what I should rename it? “Mind The Birds”?! Lol…

ANYWAY…here is a work in progress. A MAJOR W.I.P – a red kite in flight. We see them every day here. We’re very lucky to have such beautiful birds of prey right on our doorstep (queue me hearing The Doors Bird Of Prey in my head now, for days!). It’s getting late now, but I shall work on this guy more tomorrow. He’s shaping up to be a BEAUTY – even if I do say so myself! 🙂

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